Where are all the opportunities for diversity and inclusion in your organisation?

At ODISEE we use our experience to check and challenge your environment and culture to help you create a progressive workplace for all.

Are you struggling to understand how your organisation can be inclusive for all?

See Our Services

Are you EDEI ready?

Do you have an equality, diversity, equity and inclusion (EDEI) framework? Do you need assistance to put in place a thoughtful, robust and sustainable framework?

Is your organisation attracting and maintaining diverse talent?

ODISEE can create bespoke education and training for all employees, managers and leaders across all departments in your organisation to deliver best practice.

Examples include key practices such as inclusive recruitment and selection, performance management and developing engagement strategies for attaining retaining your talent in an inclusive way.

Do you have the right policies & procedures in place?

By reviewing your end-to-end employee lifecycle within an organisation we can evaluate and audit your policies and procedures to ensure they meet the needs of the business. For today and for the future.

Is your organisation supporting an inclusive culture?

Using our extensive people management experience ODISEE can check and challenge whether diversity and inclusion is embedded in your culture and values.

We do this by getting to know you, your employees and your ways of working.

Do you understand the benefits for diversity & Inclusion?

ODISEE can help you build your EDEI business case and deliver your action plans – we will provide support and guidance to help your achieve your aims.

Does your organisation know how to achieve equity and equality for all?

ODISEE can support identifying, challenging and removing barriers which impact fairness and transparency across the organisation

We find EDEI solutions

Through our range of tried and tested, bespoke services we can work alongside you to solve your EDEI challenges and build an even better EDEI strategy. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

Services That Bridge the EDEI Gap

Our goal is to provide a unique insight into how to bridge the gaps between the delivery of the human resources function, your people management expectations and authentic EDEI in your organisation.

This is achieved by challenging the status quo, disrupting the narrative and creating a culture of change.

EDEI strategy & action planning 

Designing and developing strategies and action plans to support internal diversity and inclusion aspirations. Support and guidance on the completion of governing body standards, codes and regulations.

EDEI strategy & action planning 

EDEI analysis & measurement

Using internal data we can help you understand the shape of your workforce and identify gaps and solutions. Through constant research we can bring thought leadership to your organisation and inspire your next steps. 

EDEI analysis & measurement

EDEI people practices & policy review

By reviewing and auditing the people practices and policies we can determine where we can integrate EDEI practices and ensure there are no gaps in your key people management tools. 

EDEI people practices & policy review

EDEI employee lifecycle diagnostic

We can help your managers and leadership team understand and embed diversity and inclusion into their everyday working lives and help your HR team keep this alive.

EDEI employee lifecycle diagnostic

EDEI education & training

Designing and delivering bespoke programs to build awareness across your organisation.

EDEI education & training

EDEI communications

By creating a range of solutions we can meet the diverse needs of your workforce.

EDEI communications


Do you have Terms and Conditions of Business?

Do you have a list of services?

Our service list is not exhaustive so if you need support and advice in either people management, human resources or EDEI and you can’t see it on the list just send us a contact form with a brief description of what you are looking for. 

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Do you have insurances?

Yes we have Professional Liability Insurance and a separate Cyber and Data Insurance provision. 

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Do you work with other third party providers?

As a small business we love working in collaboration with others. This can be third parties you engage with or other businesses we know and have worked with before. 

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Does ODISEE offer B2B services?

ODISEE is focussed on supporting businesses in creating engaged, motivated and innovative workforces – so those teams can better support your clients. 

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Does ODISEE work outside the Sport and Entertainment sectors?

Yes, depending on the scope of the work we can support organisations from other sectors such as retail and e-commerce. 

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How do I contact ODISEE?

Just complete the Contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can – normally within 48 hours 

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How do your fees work?

We have a daily rate for shorter pieces of work or advice or we can scope out a project with you and discuss fees on that basis. 

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What if I am not sure what help I need?

No problem, just complete the Contact form with your details and we will contact you for a chat about your challenges and our services. 

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EDEI is such a big topic – where do we start?

By looking around for advice and support you have already made a start. You aren’t going to be able to tackle everything in one go so have a think about key issues that concern you and start with these. We can help categorise the work and discuss the challenges with you. 

How do I get our managers and leadership to understand the importance of EDEI in our organisation?

The first step is helping them to understand why EDEI is critical to their business. Internal and external data and research can make a really powerful argument – if you can tie this back to real issues within the organisation it can bring everything to life. ODISEE can help with this and bring education and awareness to the organisation through bespoke training.

How do EDEI and Human Rights interlink?

The Equality and Human Rights commission states -

Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world, from birth until death. 

They apply regardless of where you are from, what you believe or how you choose to live your life.

They can never be taken away, although they can sometimes be restricted – for example if a person breaks the law, or in the interests of national security.

These basic rights are based on shared values like dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence. 

These values are defined and protected by law.

In Britain our human rights are protected by the Human Rights Act 1998.


How do we achieve both Diversity & Inclusion?

Creating a diverse working environment does not necessarily mean you will achieve an inclusive organisation. They are connected but both require specific and sustainable actions. Promoting diversity brings into the organisation a rich mix of different cultures and backgrounds with different experiences and thinking. Inclusion is how people are treated and integrated into the organisation and a high value is placed on these different perspectives and contributions ensuring that everyone has a voice and a sense of belonging.

What is EDEI or EDI?

Equality, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – at ODISEE we believe that all four of these areas are key to organisational success.

What is the difference between equality and equity?

Equality is about ensuring every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. 

It is also the belief that no one should have poorer life chances because of the way the were born, where they come from, what they believe or whether they have a disability. 

Equality recognises that historically certain groups with protected characteristics such as race, disability, sex and sexual orientation have experienced discrimination. 

Source: Equality and Human Rights Commission



Equity is the quality of being fair and reasonable in a way that gives equal treatment to everyone

Source: Collins English Dictionary

When considering how these two elements work together in an organisation you need think about equality in terms of equal opportunities and fairness for all employees and for candidates in the recruitment and selection process. With equity this is about considering individual needs when ensuring opportunities are fairly accessed by all.   

What is the role of HR in EDEI?

The Human Resources team has a key role in ensuring that EDEI is understood and actively embedded into their organisation. There is a high cost to the business and HR in terms of reputation, time and financial implications if EDEI is not appropriately considered and implemented. But, HR teams tend to under resourced and  are often focused on day to day operational activities. How do they balance a long “to do” list with the need to bring robust and sustainable EDEI in their organisation? It is a big task with everything to consider from leadership engagement to redesigning policies and procedures. Often the best answer is to look for expert advice and practical support – ODISEE and our expert partners can help. 

Why is data so important when thinking about EDEI?

Accessing data in key areas such as workforce demographics and recruitment and selection enables an organisation to use the insights to build targeted attraction strategies and create a wider, more diverse talent pool. It also identifies where there are underrepresented groups in the organisation’s structure, for example at management or C-suite levels. This insight can be used to build development and career progression programmes to address these gaps. 

Delivering Value & Solutions

Relentless focus to develop and sustain a culture of diversity and inclusion

"I have worked with Sara for a number of years and her passion for sport coupled with a strong HR background and a relentless focus to develop and sustain a culture of diversity and inclusion in the workforce has been a game changer. Her approach is always collaborative, energetic, engaging and responsive. It’s been a great partnership."

Emma Hayes, OBE

Delivering transformational diversity and inclusion solutions

"As a leader with experience in commercial, elite and grass roots sporting environments Sara has demonstrated a real understanding of the breadth of challenges in people management. Using this knowledge and a passion for sport she has worked closely with all levels of the organisation to deliver transformational diversity and inclusion solutions which are sustainable, proactive and culturally embedded. Using data and insights coupled with experience and pragmatic thinking, Sara balances the short and long term people and business needs to create focussed and achievable strategies and action plans to support businesses achieve their D&I goals."

Guy Laurence, Former CEO Chelsea Football Club


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